Luet nyt: Aalto Leaders' Insight: Commercial Excellence – Is OK Good Enough? -webinaari
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Commercial Excellence – Is OK Good Enough? -webinaari

Kaupallinen menestyminen ja menestyksen saavuttaminen liiketoiminnassa




Commercial Excellence – Is OK Good Enough? -webinaaritallenne

Tässä webinaarissa pääset pohtimaan kaupallista menestymistä ja siihen liittyviä tekijöitä, puhujina markkinointigurut Nermin Hairedin ja valt.tri Pekka Mattila.

Lisätiedot (englanniksi):

Excelling in business today requires outstanding capabilities in commercial excellence and knowledge on how to hack your company to grow. In comparison with our peers globally, are you thriving? Is your sales and marketing on par with the best organizations in the world?  


  • Nudging for Better Profitability - Customer Value as a Core of Commercial Excellence
    Dr. Pekka Mattila, Group Managing Director at Aalto University Executive Education and Professor of Practice at Aalto University School of Business
  • How to make your Products and Services desirable to Drive Real Growth and Value: Comparing Finnish and Global Cases
    Nermin Hairedin, Senior Advisor at Aalto University Executive Education
  • Q&A

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