Currently reading: Aalto Leaders' Insight: Power of Engagement

Power of Engagement

Employee Engagement is crucial for company’s success but how to measure it - and how to empower it in?




Management studies show that engaged employees contribute to higher productivity in the workplace, higher well-being, higher customer satisfaction and increases in sales and profitability. Employee engagement truly drives the performance and it can be a key differentiator for companies who are seeking for growth and innovation. Therefore, companies have started to emphasize Employee Engagement and are constantly looking for hard-working employees who are actively engaged with their work and who are going for an extra mile when needed.  

But how to build this emotional engagement? How to make people to feel passionate and enthusiastic about their work, work for common purpose and to put discretionary efforts into their roles?

In this webinar recording you learn how Halton Group started to measure Employee Engagement and what have the implications been. You will also learn about how to develop engaging corporate cultures and help leaders to become more engaging.


Heikki Rinne, Founder of Sitoumus LLC and former CEO of Halton Group

Before founding Sitoumus LLC in 2017, Heikki Rinne served as the CEO for Halton Group Ltd., a global high technology ventilation company, with operations in 34 countries. Heikki also served as the CEO of eFruit International Inc., and as a President of Halton Systems Ltd.  

Heikki Rinne continues as a Board Member for Halton Group, and currently serves as a member of the Board of Trustees for Wasatch Advisors of Salt Lake City, Utah. Prior to his business career Heikki worked as a Professor at leading US universities, including Pennsylvania State University, Purdue University, and Brigham Young University. He also served as a Dean and a Professor at California State University and has taught at numerous Executive MBA programs in the US and in Europe. 


  • Welcome
    Raija Kuokkanen, Head of Thought Leadership and Design, Aalto EE
  • The Power of Engagement – Why Employee Engagement Matters? Case Halton Group – The Impact of Employee Engagement Metrics
    Heikki Rinne, Founding Partner of Sitoumus LCC and former CEO of Halton Group

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