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Using Emotional Intelligence to Create Psychological Safety and Engagement

What are the components of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and the importance of understanding EQ’s impact on performance and success? Ben Nothnagel and Dr. Riitta Lumme-Tuomala speak in a webinar recording.




Emotionally intelligent individuals are able to apply EQ in fostering a workplace climate that is conducive to high performance of teams and individuals alike. Research shows (e.g Delizonna, 2017) that high performing teams need psychological safety and trust to be able to excel. Well-functioning teams are environments that contribute to the engagement of its members. 

The framework for the discussion between these two experts in their own areas, is, not surprisingly “VUCA”. The world has recently taught us what VUCA means, with a storm!  Volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous… we almost thought we can master at least some of it. Then came a pandemic that hurled volatility and complexity to a totally new level! 

The questions that will be covered in this webinar can be listed as follows: 

  • How is psychological safety achieved? Is it gone now that we are in the middle of an almost unforeseen crisis?  
  • What is the role of leaders in fostering workplace climates that are conducive to sustainable high performance? 
  • Are some of us better prepared and equipped than others to do this? 
  • Is EQ a predictor of performance and wellbeing? And if so, can it be learned?   

The webinar will provide you with some tools that can be applied to develop your EQ and create trust and engagement in the teams you work with.

  • Ben Nothnagel 
    is a Senior Advisor at Aalto EE. His areas of passion and expertise lie in self-development and the impact of individual performance and wellbeing on the results of teams and organizations. He is a lecturer at Aalto EE in the Executive MBA programs and delivers learning opportunities for universities and organizations in Europe, Asia, and the USA. He is a certified emotional intelligence assessor and his current focus is on exploring emotional intelligence and cortical connectivity as key predictors of leadership potential, high performance, and wellbeing.
  • Dr. Riitta Lumme-Tuomala
    has extensive expertise in leadership, especially from the point-of-view of potential development, talent management, individual diversity, and self-leadership. She is an expert and frequent lecturer on these topics. Her current research focuses on talent management, and particularly potential and the competencies of the future. Lumme-Tuomala defended her DBA (Doctor of Business Administration) dissertation on Talent Management in the Humanitarian Aid Context in June 2017. In her dissertation, she studied teams who work as team leaders in global emergencies such as Ebola crisis, the Nepal earthquake, and the population movements in Europe. At Aalto University Executive Education, she is responsible for strategic marketing, communications, and alumni relations. Additionally, her responsibilities include the development of Talent Management and High Potential concepts and programs.


This webinar is a part of the Leading in Extraordinary Times Webinar Series.

Extraordinary times call for visionary leadership. Aalto EE is committed to supporting your way through these demanding times and helping you to become even stronger and more resilient in the process.  

We are offering you a free webinar series where experts from Aalto University and Aalto EE address the challenges and opportunities that now arise within organizations. 

The webinar series is part of Aalto Leaders' Insight content that you can subscribe to your email

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