Currently reading: Aalto Leaders' Insight: Who’s to Blame? – Failure, Judgements, and Consequences in Buyer-Supplier Relationships

Who’s to Blame? – Failure, Judgements, and Consequences in Buyer-Supplier Relationships

This webinar recording focuses on failure, its causes, judgement and consequences in buyer-supplier relationships.




In today’s networked economy, most firms are dependent on suppliers and extended supply chains for their value creation. Yet with complex outsourcing and contracting arrangements, supply failures are all too frequent, in the form of e.g. defective or non-conforming components and poor service quality. Such failures are costly, necessitating decisions on who is responsible – to blame - as well as on whether the buyer-supplier relationship can continue. But failures are also situations prone to conflict, hasty judgements and various biases in decision-making.

This webinar recording focuses on failure, its causes, judgement and consequences in buyer-supplier relationships. Our experts will share their views and recent research results from an Academy of Finland funded research project on how we should understand, interpret and react to supply failures in buyer-supplier relationships to ensure improved performance and partnerships in the future.

The speakers in the webinar:

  • Associate Professor Katri Kauppi, Aalto University School of Business
  • Professor Alistair Brandon-Jones, Bath School of Management, University of Bath
  • Professor Erik van Raaij, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University


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