

Aalto EE Profitable Despite the Pandemic

Aalto University Executive Education Ltd’s (Aalto EE) turnover saw a lesser decline due to the pandemic compared to most other actors in the industry.


In 2020, the turnover was EUR 17.6 million (EUR 23.6 million in 2019). The drop for the quarter was due to program cancellations and transfers caused by COVID-19. The operating result remained positive at EUR 400,000 (EUR 1.2 million in 2019).

One of the successes of the difficult 2020 was, among other things, that the Aalto EMBA and Aalto MBA programs continued to grow in terms of the number of participants.

Despite the instability and complexity of the operating environment, Aalto EE, one of the world’s top 50 business schools, looks to the future with confidence. The company has succeeded in strengthening its capabilities in digital and hybrid implementations quickly and efficiently. Customer satisfaction online is already at the same level as during traditional classroom instruction.

“Changes in the operating environment are also an opportunity for actors whose capabilities and resource base enable new departures and investments. As the strongest player in its field in Finland, Aalto EE now sees an opportunity to shape the market. We invest especially in the accessibility of our programs outside the Helsinki metropolitan area as well,” says Pekka Mattila, Group Managing Director of Aalto EE and Professor of Practice at Aalto University School of Business.

The new premises, which were commissioned in January, offer a great starting point to future. The state-of-the-art technology and digital learning solutions of the Aalto building in Töölö are an integral part of the largest concentration of management and expertise development in the Nordic countries. 

Every year, a large sum of money is channeled back from the company to the Aalto University community in various ways, such as dividends, royalties, training and coaching fees as well as rent. The financial footprint of the company—owned by the University—in the Aalto community in 2020 was approximately EUR 2.3 million (EUR 3.3 million in 2019).

Further information

Pekka Mattila
D.Soc.Sc., Group Managing Director, Professor of Practice
Aalto University Executive Education Ltd
Telephone: +358 40 738 7221

Aalto University Executive Education Ltd

Aalto University Executive Education Ltd offers thought provoking leadership development services (Aalto EE), professional development services for specialists and managers (Aalto PRO), creative solutions covering the whole life cycle of entrepreneurship (Aalto ENT), and finance sector specific skills and knowledge (Finva). Aalto University brings to our offering a multidisciplinary approach, together with innovative learning methods; this provides a unique combination of practical expertise with the latest research.

Aalto University Executive Education’s strengths lie in its global operating model and diverse offering. In addition to Finland and Singapore, Aalto University Executive Education Ltd offers education programs worldwide. As a part of Aalto University, it holds three respected business university accreditations – AACSB, AMBA, and EQUIS – which places it among the top 0.5% of institutions in the world.

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