Aalto University Executive Education’s link to Aalto University tightens – the role of lifewide learning strengthens
In ten years, Aalto University Executive Education Ltd (Aalto EE) has grown into the largest university-owned executive education and professional development organization operating as a business in the Nordics. At the same time, lifelong – or lifewide – learning has grown in importance as the job market has evolved and our working lives have become longer.
To better meet future competence needs, Aalto University endeavors to intensify the collaboration between its own extensive offering and Aalto EE, and form a closely-knit lifewide learning entity not restricted by organizational boundaries. The work to create and ensure a smooth learner experience has been going on behind the scenes for two years. The Aalto University Lifewide Learning service gives a foretaste of what is to come.
These developments will also bring about changes in how Aalto EE, which operates as a limited company, is to be managed in the future. Aalto EE will be linked more tightly to the university, and Pekka Mattila will leave his position as Aalto EE's Group Managing Director on December 31, 2021, while continuing as Professor of Practice at the Aalto University School of Business. The solution has been reached in good cooperation during the planning phase. Mattila will continue to lead the company as before until the end of the year.
”I'm grateful for having had the opportunity to see and experience the building of Aalto University at first hand. Our team has almost tripled Aalto EE's turnover, and Aalto EE's positive financial footprint in the Aalto community has grown even more. After more than ten years as Managing Director, it feels natural to me personally to move on to the next phase and pass the baton onwards,” Pekka Mattila says.
”With his input and expertise, Pekka has played a significant role in increasing the educational impact of Aalto EE and thereby the entire university. He has also contributed greatly to the development of our new lifewide learning portfolio. I would have gladly continued working together with Pekka, but I understand his decision and extend my warm thanks for our cooperation so far,” says Petri Suomala, Chairperson of the Board, Aalto EE, and Vice President for Education, Aalto University.
More information
Pekka Mattila
D. Soc. Sc.
Group Managing Director, Aalto University Executive Education Ltd
Professor of Practice, Aalto University School of Business
Telephone: +358 40 738 7221
Petri Suomala
Chairperson of the Board, Aalto University Executive Education Ltd
Vice President, Education, Aalto University
Telephone: +358 40 591 8044
Aalto University Executive Education Ltd
Aalto University Executive Education Ltd offers thought provoking leadership development services (Aalto EE), professional development services for specialists and managers (Aalto PRO), creative solutions covering the whole life cycle of entrepreneurship (Aalto ENT), and finance sector specific skills and knowledge (Finva). Aalto University brings to our offering a multidisciplinary approach, together with innovative learning methods; this provides a unique combination of practical expertise with the latest research.
Aalto University Executive Education’s strengths lie in its global operating model and diverse offering. In addition to Finland and Singapore, Aalto University Executive Education Ltd offers education programs worldwide. As a part of Aalto University, it holds three respected business university accreditations – AACSB, AMBA, and EQUIS – which places it among the top 0.5% of institutions in the world.