

Aalto EE Brings Nordic Data Leaders Together in February 2024

Aalto EE will bring the world-renowned CDOIQ Symposium to the Nordic countries for the first time in February 2024. Registration for the symposium is open!

Photo: Tuomas Uusiheimo / Aalto University


We are proud to announce that the world-renowned Chief Data Officer & Information Quality Symposium (CDOIQ) will take place in the Nordic countries for the first time in February 2024. The annual symposium held for the past sixteen years at the MIT campus in Cambridge, United States, will be held on February 6, 2024, at the beautiful campus of Aalto University in Espoo, Finland.

"We collaborate with the world's leading organizations and pioneering companies, and we want to continue to lead the way with our data and analytics expertise," says Jonni Junkkari, Aalto EE’s Program Director responsible for the data and analytics portfolio. 

"There are numerous examples of successful companies and startups in Finland and the Nordic countries, many of which have pioneered data-driven business. We want to provide both a platform for data leaders and experts from different fields to have a dialogue with each other and learn from each other as well as from the symposium's top speakers."

The event brings together CDOs and data leaders from Finland and the Nordic countries to discuss the role of data as a value creator in organizations, as well as the utilization of data at a time when more data is available than ever before, and demand for data-driven decision-making has been observed in an increasing number of organizations, regardless of industry.

For more than a decade, the event has promoted the recognition of the importance of data management and built an understanding of how high-quality data can produce commercial value for organizations.

"Analytical companies are taking over markets by utilizing data better than their competitors. In these companies, data is managed as an asset. Succeeding in this requires power to transform business processes and to direct investments in information management – a Chief Data Officer," says Sami Laine, Senior Advisor at Aalto EE.

During his over 20 years career, Laine has worked as a data management practitioner, consultant, researcher, and teacher roles in several business sectors. He has also been a long-time president and board member of the DAMA Finland ry, an association that promotes and develops the role of information management and data as a part of organizations’ development, and a program committee member of the MIT CDOIQ Symposium.

"The role of Chief Data Officer (CDO) or data leader is relatively new and often misunderstood, despite the exponential growth in data value and volume. CDOIQ Symposium has pioneered this field and has brought together data leaders for over a decade. It is a great honor to have the symposium in the Nordic countries for the first time." 

Learn more about the CDOIQ Nordic Symposium

More information

Ida Hyvärinen
Program Manager
Aalto University Executive Education Ltd
Tel +358 10 837 3765

Jonni Junkkari
Program Director
Aalto University Executive Education Ltd
Tel +358 10 837 3860

Aalto University Executive Education and Professional Development

Aalto University Executive Education and Professional Development (Aalto EE) offers impactful education, development, and training services. Aalto EE combines a wide range of practical expertise with the latest research from Aalto University. We aim to provide a sustainable platform for lifewide learning at different stages of a career. Furthermore, we operate as a strategic partner for organizations, enabling renewal in a rapidly changing business environment. Our unique portfolio of programs offers concrete solutions, intellectual capital, and professional head start for both individuals and organizations.

Aalto EE has two strongholds: our main office and learning facilities are in Helsinki, while our operations in Asia-Pacific are led from Singapore. In addition to Finland and Singapore, Aalto EE offers education programs worldwide. As a part of Aalto University, it holds three most respected business university accreditations – AACSB, AMBA, and EQUIS – which places it among the top 1% of institutions in the world.

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