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"The Certificate in Advanced LCA Simulation program provided exactly the kind of multidisciplinary approach needed to move towards a circular economy.”

Delphine Leroy & Arezoo Rahmani

As Europe advances toward its ambitious sustainability goals, the importance of comprehensive education in life cycle assessment (LCA) and sustainable engineering becomes increasingly urgent. Recent EU legislation, such as the Critical Raw Materials Act, underscores the necessity for advanced training programs that empower professionals with the skills to meet evolving standards. The Certificate in Advanced LCA Simulation program directly responds to this demand.

Europe’s leading architecture and engineering consultancy, Sweco, plans and designs the communities and cities of the future to ensure clean water, efficient infrastructure, and sustainable energy solutions. With a team of over 22,000 architects, engineers, and experts across 14 countries in Northern Europe, Sweco undertakes projects worldwide.

Process Specialist Delphine Leroy and Process Designer Arezoo Rahmani work for Sweco in Eastern Finland; Leroy in Joensuu and Rahmani in Kuopio. They both joined Sweco in 2023, making them relatively new additions to the company’s talent pool.

“Investing in employee training is very high on the agenda at Sweco. Shortly after we joined, our manager recommended that we participate in the Certificate in Advanced LCA Simulation program, to gain fresh insights,” explains Arezoo Rahmani.

“The program promised to equip professionals with essential competencies in advancing the circular economy. It seemed like a great opportunity to broaden my understanding and gain useful new skills to apply in my work,” Delphine Leroy says.

Key skills acquired through the programDelphine Leroy​​​​

The Advanced LCA Simulation program supports the EU’s circular economy goals by teaching front-line techniques for resource efficiency and sustainable product design. Participants delve into integrated LCA and process simulation tools, thermodynamics simulation, and sustainable battery design.

Delphine Leroy participated in the entire program on-site, which gave her ample opportunities to interact with the instructors and ask questions.

“Learning to use the integrated LCA and process simulation software was incredibly valuable. I spent hours mastering it, and every minute of hard work paid off. Acquiring this skill was one of my key takeaways from the program,” Delphine Leroy emphasizes.

I now understand the entire value chain. This insight will make future dialogues with clients even smoother."

“But there were numerous other benefits as well. Coming from a metallurgy background, many of the topics were new to me. I thoroughly enjoyed learning about mining equipment, sustainable battery design, and water treatment, for example. As a relatively new employee at Sweco, I am now using this knowledge to expand my network within the company and build a foundation for future collaboration,” she says.

“I have been reaching out to colleagues who work on topics like carbon emissions, the circular economy, and batteries. Thanks to the Advanced LCA Simulation program, I feel better equipped to create connections and explore potential collaborations,” Delphine Leroy continues.

Delphine Leroy highlights that the perspective she gained from the program also helps her connect with clients.

“I now understand the entire value chain. This insight will make future dialogues with clients even smoother, as I can appreciate their perspectives and the reasons behind their choices, as we all strive to move towards a circular economy,” she describes.

Arezoo Rahmani​​​​​New insights and perspectives

The Advanced LCA Simulation program was jointly developed by Aalto University, Metso, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, the University of Bordeaux, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, and VTT. The program aims to address evolving competence needs across Europe and contribute significantly to building a more sustainable future.

Arezoo Rahmani participated in two modules: Thermodynamics in Low and High Temperature Range and Sustainable Battery Design.

“Both modules were very well-designed,” Arezoo Rahmani affirms.

“It was a pity that I missed out on the integrated LCA and process simulation tools training – I heard it was excellent – but the rest of the program provided valuable perspectives. Learning about water footprint, for example, was particularly intriguing,” she mentions.

It was also rewarding to connect with academics researching the same issues we tackle in the industry."

“I’m passionate about innovations that can make a positive impact on both the industry and the environment. Although I was quite familiar with many of the topics covered, I enjoyed delving into issues such as sustainability assessment, improving resource efficiency, and enhancing process design methodologies,” Arezoo Rahmani says.

“It was also rewarding to connect with academics researching the same issues we tackle in the industry. As I am conducting a PhD in applied physics alongside my work, I always enjoy engaging in dialogue with other researchers,” she continues.

Insights to help drive the green transition

Delphine Leroy and Arezoo Rahmani emphasize that the green transition necessitates collaboration across industries and broad-ranging expertise.

“Supporting the industry in the green transition is a top priority for Sweco. Circular economy challenges are so complex and interlinked that fostering sustainable innovation always requires a collaborative effort,” remarks Arezoo Rahmani.

“Being a specialist in one area is not enough. We need broad-scale knowledge to work with people across different fields and understand the consequences of becoming greener. There are numerous stakeholders involved in the transition,” Delphine Leroy points out.

“There is so much happening right now that will influence our future. The EU’s Critical Raw Material Act, for example, will have a huge impact. The Certificate in Advanced LCA Simulation program provided exactly the kind of multidisciplinary approach needed to move towards a circular economy,” Delphine Leroy concludes.

Delphine Leroy and Arezoo Rahmani attended a pilot program, which was funded by EIT RawMaterials. This pilot has culminated in a well-balanced upskilling program, now available to professionals in a flexible, live online format.

Read more about the Certificate in Advanced LCA Simulation program