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"The Global Leader program delivered immediate benefits. It offered valuable insights for our strategy work, particularly in considering how Robit can stand out in the future and offer even more added value to our customers.”

Jussi Juhola & Jaana Rinne
Robit Plc

Several members of Robit Plc’s management team have participated in Aalto EE’s Global Leader program. Jussi Juhola, Director of Supply Chain and Logistics, describes the program as an outstanding experience.

“The program came at a very good time for me both in terms of timing and themes. I attended the training while we were updating our strategy and starting its global rollout. The program provided me with important viewpoints on both strategic thinking and strategy work,” he explains.

“For example, the Global Strategy and Leading Change modules gave me crucial insights into how we can drive Robit forward, innovate, and adapt as a company.”

Jussi Juhola notes that he was positively surprised that none of the topics discussed in the Global Leader program felt detached. Every module provided practical tools and fresh perspectives that were directly applicable to his work.

“I’m usually quite critical, but I must admit that almost every module exceeded my expectations. Everything was useful, and nothing was unnecessary,” he remarks.

“Global Leader was such a professionally organized program that it was, in a way, easy to participate, even while balancing a demanding job. It was clear that Aalto EE had spent years refining the training.”

“I especially liked being able to link the pre-tasks and final assignments directly to our business development or my own role in procurement and supply chain management. There was no need to deal with hypothetical cases; instead, I could often use the assignments to solve real, concrete challenges,” he says.

Robit invests extensively in skill development

Robit is a strongly internationalized growth company founded in Finland. It manufactures drilling consumables in Finland, South Korea, and the UK, and its products are sold in over 100 countries.

HR Director Jaana Rinne explains that the company places a strong emphasis on the training and development of its staff and management.

“At Robit, we develop our expertise in a variety of ways, both through tailored training for our own personnel and distribution network, as well as through targeted purchases from high-quality training providers. About half of our management team has completed the Global Leader program,” she says.

Jaana Rinne compared several management training programs while looking for the right development opportunity for Robit’s senior leadership.

“The interdisciplinary and broad content of the Global Leader program seemed like a great fit for our management team. I also liked the inclusion of elective modules, which allows participants to choose subjects most relevant to their roles or interests from Aalto EE’s extensive offering,” she points out.

“It was also an advantage that the Global Leader program is beneficial if you decide to continue in the Aalto MBA or EMBA program. We have a lot of young, ambitious employees, and from time to time, someone tells me they are seriously considering MBA or EMBA studies. By sending them to the Global Leader program, we can support them on that path.”

Practical tools and fresh insights

Jussi Juhola says that the biggest takeaways from the Global Leader program are easy to list: useful tools, the latest knowledge, and a broader perspective.

“It had been a while since my previous studies. It was refreshing to step outside our bubble and gain new ideas,” he emphasizes.

“The Global Leader program brought together participants from a wide range of fields. Although the majority were from Finland, there were plenty of participants from other countries as well, which enriched our discussions. It was fascinating to witness how people approached the same topics from such varied standpoints. It broadened my thinking.”

In his elective studies, Jussi Juhola decided to focus on mergers and acquisitions in the Mergers & Acquisitions module and learn about service design in the Design Thinking module.

“Strong and determined internationalization is the foundation of Robit’s story. The M&A module was excellent, deepening my understanding and offering useful insights into financial metrics and company valuation,” he underlines.

“I chose the Design Thinking module to challenge myself, as it was well outside my comfort zone. My initial knowledge of service design was limited, but that didn’t matter. I got great ideas that I can apply in the future in many kinds of development work with my team.”

Global Leader is a good path to MBA or EMBA studies

Both Jaana Rinne and Jussi Juhola say that they are pleased to recommend the Global Leader program.

“The training was excellent. The lessons were immediately beneficial in our strategy work, providing valuable insights into how Robit can stand out in the future and offer even more added value to our customers,” Jussi Juhola says.

In addition to Jussi Juhola, Ville Pohja, Janne Soininen, and Jorge Leal, among others, have already participated in the program.

“I recommend the Global Leader program, especially if you’re looking to strengthen your strategic decision-making skills and leadership abilities. It’s also an excellent choice if you’re considering MBA or EMBA studies. Several participants mentioned they were completing the Global Leader program first to make it easier to balance future studies with demanding work – after all, nearly a third of the Aalto MBA or EMBA is already completed by the end of Global Leader,” he adds.

Jussi Juhola has a few key tips for future participants:

“Make sure to invest time in the pre-tasks and final assignments. You can often use them to solve concrete challenges in your own work, or to find good development ideas.”

“Clear your work schedule, so you can focus solely on studying during the in-class sessions. Aalto EE’s top-of-the-line facilities and practical arrangements create a marvelous learning environment – and the interactions with other participants and instructors during breaks and lunches are incredibly rewarding,” he points out.

Jaana Rinne believes that Robit has significantly benefited as a company from having several members of its management team participate in the Global Leader program.

“As a purchaser of training services, I am more than happy to recommend the Global Leader program. I’ve witnessed firsthand how expertly Aalto EE handles every aspect of the training. This is no easy task, given the program’s broad scope and the fact that the participants are busy executives with tight schedules,” Jaana Rinne notes.

“I received great feedback from the first members of our management team who completed the Global Leader program – and I also noticed how, during our management team meetings, they often brought up interesting ideas drawn from the Global Leader program. It was an easy choice to send more members of our management team to the same tried and tested coaching in the coming years,” Jaana Rinne concludes.

Global Leader Program