Our Customers

Our Customers

"Studying at Aalto EE was rewarding. Johtaminen terveydenhuollossa provided a comprehensive package of all the knowledge, skills, and tools I needed when I took on more responsibilities as a leader. The Aalto EMBA renewed my thinking and delivered important insights as I moved into an even more demanding leadership role.”

Lotta Joutsi-Korhonen
Chief Physician, Head of Clinical Chemistry, HUS Diagnostic Center

Lotta Joutsi-Korhonen, Chief Physician and Head of Clinical Chemistry at the HUS Diagnostic Center, enjoyed studying in Aalto EE’s Johtaminen terveydenhuollossa program (Healthcare Management Education Program). The positive training experience motivated Joutsi-Korhonen to continue her studies in the Aalto Executive MBA program.

“I have a broad-ranging and interesting job. I am responsible for laboratory tests in clinical chemistry and hematology in the HUS, Kymenlaakso, and South Karelia regions. We have over 10 hospital laboratories that are on call 24/7, and specialized laboratories in Meilahti,” she explains.

Joutsi-Korhonen decided to participate in the Johtaminen terveydenhuollossa program when she transitioned from an expert role to a leadership position.

“The training was just the right choice for that situation, both in terms of timing and topics. It gave me a solid skill set to manage units, make purchases, and maintain and monitor contracts,” she remarks.

“Delving into strategic leadership, health economics, HR, communication, and impact with other healthcare professionals was invigorating. In addition to management studies, the training offered excellent perspectives on megatrends and current issues in healthcare.”

Johtaminen terveydenhuollossa provided a comprehensive package of exactly the knowledge, skills, and tools I needed as I took on more responsibilities as a leader."

Joutsi-Korhonen says she is happy to recommend the Johtaminen terveydenhuollossa program to all healthcare professionals working in leadership positions.

“The training was a first-class experience from start to finish. The content was diverse, up-to-date, and concise – and the instructors were excellent.”

“Johtaminen terveydenhuollossa provided a comprehensive package of exactly the knowledge, skills, and tools I needed as I took on more responsibilities as a leader. The training was also structured in a way that made it quite manageable even alongside demanding healthcare work,” Joutsi-Korhonen notes.

“I have already recommended Johtaminen terveydenhuollossa to several colleagues. Two of my team members are currently completing it, and two have already finished the program.”

The positive training experience inspired EMBA studies

Johtaminen terveydenhuollossa was such a smooth and positive experience that Joutsi-Korhonen decided to continue her studies directly in the Aalto Executive MBA program.

For Joutsi-Korhonen, the EMBA program’s Business Strategy Project, BSP, was a particularly valuable experience.

“I knew that the project I proposed would clearly benefit my employer. I was really pleased when it was selected as a Business Strategy project,” she says.

“My BSP team was fantastic. We explored the use of laboratory tests and service optimization for wellbeing services counties. We analyzed the benefits and challenges of point-of-care testing and traditional laboratory testing, and determined what customers find most important in the service.”

Joutsi-Korhonen’s BSP group identified key development areas for HUS Diagnostic Center’s point-of-care service unit, and their recommendations were very well received.

“HUS immediately started implementing many of our proposals,” Joutsi-Korhonen says.

Joutsi-Korhonen notes that while the EMBA gave her even more than the Johtaminen terveydenhuollossa program, it also required significantly more from her.

“Right at the beginning of my EMBA journey, I was given a much broader range of responsibilities at work, and my schedule was quite hectic. Fortunately, the Johtaminen terveydenhuollossa program completed in advance eased the EMBA workload. I am also grateful for the support and encouragement that I got from my employer and supervisors.”

Important lessons in change management

Joutsi-Korhonen says that the Aalto EMBA complemented her proficiency in many important themes, enriching the skills she had acquired in the Johtaminen terveydenhuollossa program.

Change management skills are vital in the healthcare sector. I sought to gather as much information about change management as possible during the EMBA."

“Finance, communication, sustainable development, HR, project management – the EMBA deepened my expertise in many areas. The training expanded my strategic thinking, gave me new confidence and tools for self-development, and, of course, practical tools that have been very useful in my work.”

Joutsi-Korhonen highlights that she found the lessons on change management particularly beneficial.

“Change management skills are vital in the healthcare sector. I sought to gather as much information about change management as possible during the EMBA. I also delved into change management during my unforgettable EMBA Study Tour to Yale,” she says.

“I oversee many supervisors who lead large teams. After completing my EMBA, I initiated a reading group for them. In this group, I share materials and podcasts covering topics that I found most crucial during my EMBA journey. Very many of the lessons and tips I’ve shared focus on the successful implementation of changes. When you reflect on these themes together, learning expands and deepens.”

A great choice for a healthcare professional

Joutsi-Korhonen affirms that she is glad she chose to enroll in Aalto EE’s programs.

The Aalto EMBA renewed my thinking and delivered important insights for my work."

“No regrets,” she says with a laugh. “Studying at Aalto EE was rewarding. The milieu and staff are wonderful, the training is top-notch, and all the practical arrangements honed to perfection.”

She says that she is pleased to endorse the Aalto EMBA program to people working in demanding leadership positions.

“The Aalto EMBA renewed my thinking and delivered important insights for my work when I moved into a more demanding leadership role. As a bonus, it provided a marvelous network. We became a tight-knit group during our EMBA journey.”

“As a physician, I was occasionally firmly out of my comfort zone, but that was an entirely positive thing. It was good to step outside the healthcare bubble to gain new perspectives,” she reflects.

For healthcare professionals, Joutsi-Korhonen warmly recommends starting the EMBA journey with the Johtaminen terveydenhuollossa program.

“Although it means that you will spend a longer time studying, your workload will be lighter during the EMBA – and it is much easier to transition to EMBA studies from our world when you choose this route,” Joutsi-Korhonen concludes.

Aalto EMBA ProgramJohtaminen terveydenhuollossa Program Aalto Health EMBA