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"The Negotiation Skills program not only ensured I am even better prepared for negotiations – I am also more relaxed”

Rasel Khan
Global Category Purchaser in a multi-national company

Rasel Khan, Global Category Purchaser in a multi-national company, describes his work as versatile and interesting – and marked by intensive negotiations.

“Negotiations are almost an everyday occurrence in my line of work, both internally and externally,” Khan explains.

Khan recently participated in Aalto EE’s Negotiation Skills program. The two-day intensive training enhances the participants’ ability to effectively prepare and execute high-value strategic negotiations.

“I started the program with a very open mind, and above all eager to learn new practical tips for negotiations. I am pleased I participated. The World-Class Negotiator program not only ensured I am even better prepared for negotiations, I am also more relaxed,” Khan says.

Although the program is very concise, it also gave some insight about negotiations in other companies, as we not only learned from the instructor, but also from other participants during group works."

“The program provided me with useful tips and very practical tools – and it also touched upon cultural considerations in global negotiations. Although the program is very concise, it also gave some insight about negotiations in other companies, as we not only learned from the instructor, but also from other participants during group works,” he adds.

Khan describes the program as a highly intensive, rewarding experience. He lists several key insights taught during the program as very relevant for his own work, such as how to close deals with a clear implementation plans, and behavioral aspects of negotiations. When asked to name the most beneficial topic covered in the program, Khan does not hesitate: the Deal Road Map.

“I had a fair amount of experience of global negotiations prior to the program, which I feel gave me a good foundation to assess the value of what we learned. The Deal Road Map struck me as especially beneficial: I loved the way it helps you plan in advance for negotiations. I have incorporated its basic ideas into my everyday work, and I use it alongside a decision-making and risk analysis software to prepare for negotiations,” he points out.

RajGuru had excellent teaching methods, very clear communication – and he was able to answer even the most difficult questions posed to him by our group."

“Another valuable lesson taught during the program is that negotiations are not about winning, they are about finding the best solution – keeping in mind that you should always have an open mind. You should never assume anything about the other negotiators or their goals. It was not a new idea per se, but the excellent examples used during the coaching helped me put the idea into practice in my everyday work,” he ponders.

Khan has a great deal of praise for the program’s instructor, Gopal RajGuru.

“Our instructor was very professional. It was a pleasure learning from him. RajGuru had excellent teaching methods, very clear communication – and he was able to answer even the most difficult questions posed to him by our group,” Khan remarks.

“We were filmed during negotiation practices, which I found especially beneficial. It helped me reflect on my own behavior during negotiations and also pay even more attention to how I communicate, including issues such as body language,” he notes.

If you are working in a position where you need to convince other people, I would say that this is definitely one of the best programs available."

Aalto EE’s staff and practical arrangements also receive thanks from Khan.

“The program was well structured and all communication from Aalto EE was timely and helpful,” he mentions.

Khan affirms that the program met his expectations and says he is pleased to endorse it.

“If you are working in a position where you need to convince other people, I would say that this is definitely one of the best programs available. The training enhances your negotiation skills, and it also adds motivation and boosts your confidence,” Khan ponders.

“Based on my experience, I warmly recommend participating. I believe sending employees to this program will certainly offer a good return on investment for any company,” Khan concludes.

Negotiation Skills 

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