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"The Aalto MBA transformed my thinking. It equipped me with strong business acumen and a new skill set that extends beyond law.”

Tomasz Janas
Head of Legal, Taaleri Energia Funds Management Oy

Tomasz Janas decided to pursue an MBA after becoming Head of Legal at Taaleri Energia Funds Management Oy. 

“I had considered an MBA for some time, but when I started at Taaleri, I realized how beneficial it would be to gain skills beyond law,” Janas says. 

“As an in-house counsel, my colleagues are my clients, and I’m much more directly involved in business than in my previous roles at international law firms,” he explains. 

The triple-accredited Aalto MBA program was an easy choice, recommended by several alumni. 

“They were all lawyers and affirmed that Aalto MBA was the best option. They were right; it was an excellent experience. The Aalto MBA transformed my thinking, gave me a solid business perspective, and it was a fantastic networking opportunity,” Janas mentions. 

A practical skill set

The practical skills acquired in finance modules were especially valuable to Janas. 

“Take the Financial Accounting module, for example. Thanks to it, I can now gain substantial insights about a company simply by analyzing key elements of its financial statement. It’s quite rewarding,” Janas points out.

“The M&A module was another highlight. Given my involvement in numerous transactions at work, the detailed knowledge I gained was invaluable. Net working capital adjustments, different valuation models – I learned a lot that allows me to conduct price negotiations with greater certainty and accuracy.”

The Aalto MBA transformed my thinking, gave me a solid business perspective, and it was a fantastic networking opportunity."

“These issues are the bread and butter of Taaleri’s analysts, and of course, I’ll never compete in their league. What’s essential is that my colleagues and I now speak the same language,” Janas underlines.

A necessary push and a strong focus on sustainability

In certain areas, the Aalto MBA acted as an eye-opener for Janas.

“Artificial intelligence is a good example. In a way, it was already present in everyday work, but after discussing the topic in class with professors and other participants, I saw its potential in a new light. It was the push I needed to start harnessing AI for our legal team at Taaleri.”

“Would I have been as active without the Aalto MBA? I’m busy at work, so most likely, I would have kicked the can down the road and promised myself to think about AI later. The MBA gave me the motivation to act immediately,” he reflects.

The MBA’s focus on sustainability was also highly gratifying for Janas.

“Sustainability is one of the core values at Taaleri Energia Funds Management. We are an alternative funds manager, with several funds that invest in renewables across Europe: solar, wind, and battery projects, and we also have projects in Jordan and Texas,” Janas describes.

“Sustainability was integrated into almost every module. It was an overarching theme that I found extremely valuable. If you’re considering an MBA and feel that a strong focus on sustainability would benefit you, I recommend choosing the Aalto MBA.”

Collaborative learning, case studies, and great guest speakers

The Aalto MBA includes many case studies conducted in groups.

“I really enjoyed them. Case studies give you immediate opportunities to translate theory into practical actions,” Janas notes.

“Working in groups was inspiring. We had an outstanding cohort, and the collaborative learning environment ensured that you learned a great deal not only from the professors but also from the other participants,” he adds.

Stories shared by guest speakers were also a source of inspiration for Janas.

“They give you a slightly different angle on things and confirm that what you’re learning will work in practice,” he says.

We had an outstanding cohort, and the collaborative learning environment ensured that you learned a great deal not only from the professors but also from the other participants."

“I especially enjoyed the guest speakers who were successful Aalto MBA alumni. Their stories acted as an additional incentive to be a diligent student. They really drove home how useful the skills I was learning in the Aalto MBA would be in day-to-day work life.”

Valuable leadership skills and heightened self-awareness

As Head of Legal, Janas leads a team of lawyers. He notes that the Aalto MBA gave him many important leadership insights and enhanced his self-awareness.

“The People Management module, for example, offered valuable ideas on how to manage people responsibly and sustainably. I’ve strived to put them into practice,” he remarks.

“The Self-Leadership module broadened my perspectives on the role of a leader and provided a meaningful journey into self-awareness. It also made me realize that while acquiring new skills is important, often the key is asking the right questions and fully utilizing the strengths you already possess.”

A good investment

Janas asserts that the Aalto MBA had a highly positive impact both professionally and personally.

“It equipped me with strong business acumen, which was exactly what I wanted,” he confirms.

“On a personal level, the MBA was a powerful reminder of how amazing my wife is. I always knew it, but her unwavering support throughout the journey meant the world to me. My wife and children are the most wonderful part of my life.”

Janas believes the Aalto MBA was well worth both the time and money he invested.

“I paid out of my own pocket, and I feel it was a very good investment – but as a lawyer, I must mention that I graduated recently, so only time will truly tell,” he says with a laugh.

“I’m happy to recommend the Aalto MBA program, especially to other lawyers. I believe it will help you excel in your work.”

For those considering an MBA, Janas offers one crucial piece of advice:

“Don’t postpone the decision. Next year easily turns into the year after that, and then the year after that. If you’re serious about earning an MBA, take action and turn your aspirations into reality,” he encourages.

Aalto MBA Program