Aalto Health Executive MBA / Aalto Health MBA
The Aalto Health MBA and Aalto Health Executive MBA programs consist of two parts: first the Johtaminen terveydenhuollossa (Healthcare Management Education Program), and second the Aalto MBA or Aalto EMBA program.
For a healthcare professional working in management, whether your background is in medicine or another field, the Aalto Health E/MBA is a unique degree customized for you. By combining the two highly renowned programs Johtaminen terveydenhuollossa and Aalto EMBA or MBA, you will gain the skills, competencies, and networks to succeed in your current and future roles in healthcare management. In Johtaminen terveydenhuollossa, you will study with your peers from the healthcare industry, whereas in the E/MBA, you will study in an international setting and learn with a network of experienced managers and executives with diverse business backgrounds.
By continuing your studies in an Aalto EMBA or MBA program, you will both widen and deepen your management skills and earn the unique Aalto Health E/MBA diploma.
The Johtaminen terveydenhuollossa program is worth 18 ECTS credits, all of which are transferable to the Aalto MBA or Aalto Executive MBA programs (each 90 ECTS in total). The credits are valid for five years after completing the Johtaminen terveydenhuollossa program. After completing both programs, the participant will receive the Aalto Health E/MBA diploma.
Participants who successfully complete the Johtaminen terveydenhuollossa program and transfer the earned credits are eligible for a 20% reduction in the Aalto MBA or Executive MBA tuition fee.
Johtaminen terveydenhuollossa
Johtaminen terveydenhuollossa is the leading management and financial training program for healthcare professionals in Finland. Based on 30 years of experience, the program develops strategic thinking and provides tools for addressing current healthcare challenges. The Johtaminen terveydenhuollossa program is held in Finnish.
The program approaches change management and leadership in the health sector through developments in the theory and practice of business economics, industrial management, and health economics. The topics are addressed in seven study modules. The program starts in September and continues to May of the following year.
Johtaminen terveydenhuollossa is for experienced healthcare professionals who want to succeed in their position, advance in their career, and develop the Finnish healthcare system in a more effective direction. It is designed for doctors and head nurses in primary and specialist healthcare, experts from the pharmaceutical industry, and other experts and leaders in healthcare companies and organizations.
Further Information
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