Flexible EMBA
Are you ready to start your EMBA journey now? Complete some elective modules before your EMBA program starts.
We offer you the opportunity to begin your studies before your Executive MBA program officially starts. Several interesting topics are available monthly in our ongoing MBA programs for you to choose from. The completed modules and study credits will be included in your EMBA studies. This way, you can complete some of the required modules before the official start of your program and gain flexibility in tailoring your EMBA study plan and schedule.
The modules on offer are mainly included as elective modules in the EMBA program. As part of your EMBA, you must complete elective modules worth 22.5 ECTS credits, with one elective module typically equivalent to 4.5 ECTS.
Modules available include, for example:
- Business Model Innovation
- Digital Strategy and Data-Driven Business
- Financial Decision-Making
- Global Strategy
- Leading Change and Transformation
- Power and Influence
- Self-Leadership
- Strategic Foresight
- Strategic Sustainability for Business
You can complete one to six modules before the official program start in October. The fees are:
- one module: € 4,650 (+ VAT)
- two modules: € 9,300 (+ VAT)
- three modules: € 13,950 (+ VAT)
- four to six modules: € 16,600 (+ VAT)
When you start your EMBA program within a year of completing the module, these fees will be fully compensated.
Please note that we require you to start your EMBA application process before you can take any of the modules. Please discuss with your Aalto EE contact person how to make the best selection of modules, prepare a study plan, meet the entry requirements, and proceed with the application process. We will help you with any questions you may have on starting your studies and finding the best solution for you.
Taking Flexible EMBA modules does not bind you to start EMBA studies with us. The fee compensation is valid for one year from completion, and the study credits are transferable for five years from completion.
Global Leader Program
A Compact Program That Can Serve as a Pathway to EMBA
Global Leader is a compact and flexible program that can help you strengthen your strategic skills to manage interlinked functions in a multinational environment and learn more about different areas of business that impact your career potential.
The program has six modules: four mandatory core modules and two elective modules which participants are able to choose from a selection of Aalto Executive MBA and/or Aalto MBA electives according to personal preference. Each module is worth 4.5 ECTS credits. All Global Leader modules can also be taken as stand-alone programs.
Global Leader has a similar program structure, participant profile, and studying format to the Aalto Executive MBA program and is often utilized as a springboard to EMBA studies. Studying in Global Leader offers many benefits, not only for those who just wish to study in a compact and efficient general management program, but also for those who are planning to pursue future studies in the Aalto Executive MBA program:
- Up to six modules completed in the Global Leader program can be transferred to the Aalto Executive MBA. The modules' study credits are transferable for five years.
- The tuition fee paid for the Global Leader program (€ 16,000) will be fully compensated if four to six completed modules’ study credits and grades are transferred towards an Executive MBA when a participant applies and gets accepted in Aalto EMBA within a year of completing the Global Leader program.
- Participants who want to transfer less than four modules will be eligible for a 5% compensation from the Executive MBA tuition fee per transferred module.
- Participation in the Global Leader program or its stand-alone modules provides new Aalto Executive MBA participants with greater flexibility in the timing of their studies.
- Studying in the Global Leader program gives participants a chance to practice their learning skills and brush up on studying methods and language skills before starting in the faster-paced Aalto Executive MBA program.
Read more about Global LeaderDownload Global Leader brochure
Aalto Health Executive MBA
Aalto Health Executive MBA program consists of two parts: first the Johtaminen terveydenhuollossa (Healthcare Management Education Program) and second the Aalto EMBA program. The Johtaminen terveydenhuollossa program is worth 18 ECTS credits, all of which are transferable to the Aalto Executive MBA program. The same is compensated in the tuition fee.
Transfer Study Credits
You can transfer ECTS study credits from several of our open programs to the Aalto EMBA program. The number of transferable credits depends on the open program. Currently, it is possible to transfer credits from the below-mentioned programs.
- AaltoJOKO®
- Aalto CFO Program
- Business of Culture
- Certified European Financial Analyst
- Data, Analytics, and AI for Professionals
- Digital Innovation Strategy Study Tour
- Diploma in Leading People
- Energy Business Professionals
- Engaging Networks and Stakeholders
- Executive HR
- Financial Decision-Making
- Geoeconomics for Executives
- Global Leader
- Global Strategy
- Graduate Diploma in Digital Strategy and Leadership
- Hankintojen johtaminen
- Johtaminen terveydenhuollossa
- Leading Change and Transformation
- Leading for Creativity
- Leading with Impact
- Mergers and Acquisitions
- Patentit-teollisuus-tekniikka
- Power and Influence
- Strategic Foresight in Business Management
- Strategic Marketing and Customer-Centricity
- Strategic Pricing and Customer Value
- Strategic Sustainability for Business
- Turvallisuusjohdon koulutusohjelma
- Venture Capital and Private Equity
- Ylempi vakuutustutkinto
The ECTS study credits are transferable for five years from program completion. You also get compensation in the Aalto EMBA tuition fee, contact our team to learn more.
Further Information
Are you interested in learning more about the pathway to EMBA studies? I will help you to find the best solution for you.