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Projektinhallinnan verkkokurssi

Basics of Project Management Online Course

Projektinhallinnan verkkokurssi is an online course that gives you the basic information on understanding projects, project management, and methods for implementing a successful project. The course will help you understand what should be considered when you want to achieve the project goals efficiently. The course will focus on the key topics and methods for a successful project and explain them through several examples.

The course includes instructional videos and reflection exercises that help you apply what you have learned during the course to your own project.

Please note that the course is in Finnish.

Learn more details on the Finnish page Contact Us


Apply what you have learned to your projects
Get to know the key methods for a successful project
Learn the essential principles of project management
Strengthen your role as a project manager or expert working in a project


The course is ideal for new project managers or experts who want a comprehensive picture of project management. It also serves as a refresher for experienced project managers who want to review the essentials of successful project implementation.


The course is suitable for people working in various industries, in the public or private sector, for example, project managers, sub-project leaders, project team members, experts working on projects, or members of project steering groups.

Contents and Schedule

The online course gives you a basic understanding of the concepts and methods of project management, as well as an opportunity to test what you have learned and to apply the lessons learned to your project. The course covers the key project management methods across the project's entire lifecycle, from start to finish. The key elements of project management include, for example, management of the project's scope, schedule, and costs, and risk management. All these topics will be dealt with in-depth during the online course.

During the course, you will watch instructional videos, examine study materials, do reflection exercises, apply the lessons learned to your project, and test what you have learned. The course consists of 8 modules, an introduction, and a summary. The course includes 14 videos of approximately 5-10 minutes.

The estimated study time of the course is 8 hours. The course allows flexible study patterns; you can decide on your schedule and the speed of your progress. The recommended study schedule is 1-2 hours per day for about a week.

Fee and Registration

Program start

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