Rahoitusasiantuntijan osaamiskoe
By the requirements of the legislation, persons active in the financial sector must have sufficient knowledge of the economy, finance, lending, and its ancillary services, the determination of the value of other assets to be secured, and the assessment of creditworthiness.
Rahoitusasiantuntijan osaamiskoe verifies the competence of experts working in finance and outside the financial sector, organized by Aalto EE, and part of Finva Financial Education's product portfolio. By passing the competency test, the examinee demonstrates their knowledge of key financial products and practices and related regulatory and market practices. The competence test also helps to unify the competence level of financial experts in Finland.
Infowebinaari: Rahoitusasiantuntijan osaamiskoe
Tervetuloa mukaan torstaina 22.9.2022 klo 9–10 maksuttomaan webinaariin, jossa kerromme rahoitusasiantuntijan osaamiskokeen taustoista sekä sen sisällöstä ja käytännön asioista.
Lue lisää IlmoittauduFor?
Rahoitusasiantuntijan osaamiskoe is for experts in consumer finance tasks in banks and in the financial sector and outside the industry, mortgage negotiators, and other demanding tasks of lending or financing personal clients. It is also suitable for individuals who want to develop their competence and move on to more demanding tasks in consumer finance.
The content of the exam is aimed primarily at people in expert-level positions. In assessing the suitability of the competence test, it is essential to evaluate the content of the executor's work tasks.
Competence Requirements
The key competences required for the Financial Expert exam (Rahoitusasiantuntijan osaamiskoe) are defined by subject area in the document below. The competency test measures, and therefore requires, the ability to remember key concepts and definitions, to understand the cause and effect relationships of issues and topics, and to apply knowledge to practical cases and problems.
Financial Specialist Competence Test, Content, and Requirements (PDF)