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Strategic Pricing and Customer Value

Pricing Strategically: Monetizing and Growing Your Business

Strategic Pricing and Customer Value is an executive program that considers pricing from a strategic management perspective. The program introduces alternative strategies that provide insights for improving pricing decisions, directly increasing the company’s monetization ability.

Participants leave the program with a comprehensive understanding of the critical parameters and crucial factors for setting value-based pricing. Additionally, they receive an extensive set of implementable tools and frameworks to enhance the company’s pricing strategy and revenue.

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In 2023, the training garnered excellent faculty feedback of 5,7/6 from the participants.

In 2023, the program Net Promoter Score (NPS) was 91/100

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The Strategic Pricing and Customer Value program helps you gain a strategic and holistic view of pricing. You learn to create value through various pricing strategies and how to improve your company's pricing processes. Learning about the drivers and impact of pricing power and psychological pricing helps you identify the best arguments to confidently defend a product or service's value. We will also examine sustainability and how it connects to customer value.

Monetize Your Marketing Mix
Enhance Competitive Edge
Maximize Value Opportunities
Innovate Product Offerings
Accelerate Revenue Growth
Craft Sales Boosting Campaigns

By attending the program, you will also

  • Address constraints in your monetization strategy
  • Define price roles in the market
  • Align your revenue model with organizational goals
  • Consider costs, competitors, and customers for optimal pricing
  • Navigate competition and commoditization
  • Spot approved price customization opportunities that align with your brand
  • Understand value tracking, quantification, and communication
  • Examine digital product and service pricing options and tools


The program is designed for executives and managers in B2B, service, and consumer markets responsible for designing, evaluating, implementing, or communicating pricing decisions. Previous participants are from diverse sectors, such as ICT, SaaS, Retail, Consulting, Mining, Construction, Energy, Industrial Machinery, Banking, Media, and Process Manufacturing.

The program is especially beneficial for companies who:

  • are looking for points of difference through new pricing models
  • are exploring new methods for the introduction of new products or services
  • aim to succeed in measuring and communicating the right value to customers
  • have been started recently and are looking for means of differentiation and rapid growth

Contents and Schedule

The program combines the latest theoretical research on pricing with topical cases, where practical knowledge stems from the successes and failures experienced by other companies.

Participants gain in-depth, comprehensive knowledge from diverse business and consumer market examples during the training. The teaching methods include practical case workshops, group work, a hands-on simulation, and interactive lecturing.

Program structure

Pre-module Period of 2-3 Weeks

Individual preparation

Two-and-a-half-day Module

Interactive and engaging face-to-face session with instructor and peers

Post-module Period of 2-3 Weeks

Take-home assignment

Program Fee and Registration

Program start

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