Delivery mode
Agreed together with the customer
Customer's premises / Agreed together with the customer
Finnish, English
1 day
Top Management Masterclass in Strategic Sustainability
Senior Management Workshop
Increase your board and management team's understanding of the importance of sustainability to your business from both a productivity and effectiveness perspective. Create a common vocabulary to promote sustainability issues relevant to your business.
After the Top Management Masterclass in Strategic Sustainability, your top management will be able to better manage the sustainability portfolio of your company and understand the strategic importance of sustainability for your business and the benefits it brings from an impact and economic perspective.
The program will cover topics such as:
- The content and meaning of sustainability
- What do managers need to know about sustainability?
- Strategic sustainability management: financial objectives and ensuring effectiveness
- From reducing the footprint to maximizing the handprint
- From minimizing risks to seizing opportunities
- Strategic analyses and options
- Operational sustainability management
- Implementing the sustainability strategy through the different activities and management systems of the company
Fee: € 13,500 (+ VAT)
The maximum number of participants per day is 20.
The focus of the Masterclass is always chosen to suit your business needs. You will learn from a great trainer and have an excellent impact on your business.
- Build a common understanding among senior management of the importance of accountability and the vision for the future, and provide a common language and terminology for the management team to address the issue
- Gain tools for thinking and analysis to increase the effectiveness of your organization's sustainability work
- Create better leadership for sustainability change

Leena Lankoski
Dr. Leena Lankoski is currently working as a Senior University Lecturer in Sustainability in Business at Aalto University School of Business.
She also holds a Title of Docent in Corporate Responsibility at the University of Helsinki and is a Visiting Scholar at INSEAD, France.
Leena Lankoski has been working with corporate responsibility and sustainability questions for almost 30 years in Finland and elsewhere, both as an environmental consultant at the United Nations and lately in academia. During her years in the field, Dr. Lankoski has looked at questions at the interface between business and society from a number of perspectives, ranging from strategies and competitiveness issues for single firms and sectors to macro-level and policy questions in a globalized economy. Her academic research spans across several topics such as the relationship between a firm’s sustainability performance and financial performance, the different meanings that ‘sustainability’ can take in a business context, behavioural and organizational change for sustainability, and sustainability and ethics in a digital economy. She has taught corporate responsibility and sustainability for university students at all levels as well as for executive audiences for 20 years.
Lankoski holds a D.Sc. in Industrial Engineering and Management from Aalto University and an MBA from Cass Business School, London.
Program Fee and Registration
The fee for the Top Management Masterclass in Strategic Sustainability is € 13,500 (+ VAT).
The maximum number of participants per day is 20.
Program start