By May 17, 2025
Delivery mode
May 21–22, 2025
Aalto University Töölö, Helsinki, Finland
TURBO – Tuotannonohjauksen perusteet
A company's production management aims to achieve both customer satisfaction and efficiency. Customers are served with good delivery reliability and short delivery times, while efficient production minimizes inventory and optimizes capacity utilization.
TURBO – Tuotannonohjauksen perusteet is an intensive production management training program during which you will examine the most important aspects of production operations in a manufacturing company, such as production/operations strategy, sales and operations planning, materials and capacity planning, and measuring and improving production.
After the program, you will consolidate what you have learned through an applied exercise, which will ideally lead to concrete development measures in your organization. You will receive personal written feedback on your paper.
Please note that this program is held in Finnish.
The program provides basic knowledge of production planning and control, management, and improving an industrial production system. The program will help you to understand the key role of production as a source of competitiveness and in ensuring customer satisfaction. It will benefit your organization by giving you the tools and concepts needed to improve the way you manage and improve your production.

The program is designed for people working as production planners, production team leaders, or in production middle management who want to learn or refresh the theoretical and practical basics of production management.
The program also benefits those working in functions that cooperate closely with production, for example, order management, sourcing, logistics, and product development.
Contents and Schedule
The duration of the program is two days, and it consists of lectures and instructor-led discussions.
Program Fee and Registration
Program Fee
The fee for the Tuotannonohjauksen perusteet program is € 1,470 (+ VAT).
Register for the program by May 17, 2025.