Growth, Reskilling, and Finding New Talent
What skills will be needed in the future workplace? How will we respond to the challenges brought along by digitalization? How can companies support lifelong learning? Talent and continuous upskilling are key factors in sustainable growth, and you can’t grow your business without competent personnel. Our recruitment training programs support your organization when you need to find skilled workers.
New Employee from the Further Educated with Companies (F.E.C) Program
Based on over 20 years of experience, Aalto EE and the Further Educated with Companies (F.E.C) programs offer a range of new and innovative skills and competencies that meet your organization’s recruitment needs. Each F.E.C program lasts approximately six months, and for about five of those, the talent you have selected works on tasks defined by your company.

Goals of the F.E.C Model
Finding and recruiting suitable talent.
Updating and developing the participant’s professional skills.

The Company Will Not Pay Wages
The total cost for the company amounts to € 8,400 (+ VAT). The selected applicants receive a training subsidy or unemployment benefit for the program’s duration.

The Company Is Not Obliged to Recruit
The organization and the participant sign a training contract. If the company is satisfied with the results of the training period, it can hire the participant during the program or once the program has ended.
The organization and the participant sign a training contract. If the company is satisfied with the results of the training period, it can hire the participant during the program or once the program has ended.
The benefits of the F.E.C. training program for the organization:
- The F.E.C. program is a cost-effective, flexible, and reliable way to find new talent for your organization.
- The program focuses on developing a specific area of expertise. The partner organization decides on the tasks together with the participant.
- Aalto EE proposes a range of candidates suitable to your organization and helps you select. The candidates are preselected by the TE Office and Aalto EE.
- The participant gains access to a well-designed, university-level further education program and brings the latest know-how to your organization.
Aalto EE draws up a list of potential candidates for your company from a group of job seekers. Your company will interview interesting candidates and pay the program participation fee, but only if a suitable person is found. Because the selected person will receive unemployment benefit during the program, your company will not pay a salary. The program period will provide the opportunity to customize assignments, roles, and goals in accordance with the skills and abilities demonstrated in practice, and meet your company’s needs. Once the goals have been met, your company can secure the candidate’s services through an employment contract at any point in the program.
Reconciling Jobseekers’ and Employers’ Needs
The Further Educated with Companies (F.E.C) training concept is designed together with a TE Center.
Its purpose is to reconcile the current expertise, development, and career goals of job seekers with the skills needs of potential new employers. Involving the establishment of a training contract, the F.E.C program includes Aalto EE’s high-quality training, as well as practical work for the partner company by the job seeker. Training and work alternate during the program.
The program lasts for around six months, 80% of which involves working for the company. Training days are held in 1–3 day periods around once a month. The F.E.C program therefore includes a six-month cooperation period with the potential employee – with the aim of concluding an employment contract.
In every case, the trainee's job description will be customized to meet your company’s needs. It can involve any of the company's activities. Options include sales and marketing, project management, internationalization, ICT, change management, work at the customer interface, or expertise in other tasks.
Experts Suitable for a Range of Roles
Hundreds of people apply for entry to workforce training arranged by Aalto EE, with successful applicants passing a three-stage selection process. Admission criteria include educational background, work experience, possession of special skills, a proactive attitude and motivation, and social skills. We can provide employees for a variety of roles, since our applicants range from new graduates to holders of doctoral degrees. The overall aim is both to meet the company’s forthcoming staffing needs and develop the candidate’s competencies through training.
Training with Public Funding
Because Aalto EE training programs aimed at recruitment receive public funding, they are cost-effective for companies. The total price paid by the company is EUR 8,400 (+ VAT). The participation fee also includes accidental injury and liability insurance for the trainee who will work at the target company.
When a candidate suitable for the company has been found, the trainee and Aalto EE sign a training contract covering the duration of the program. The company is not obliged to hire the trainee during or after the training program, even if the aim of the program is – naturally – the signing of an employment contract.
Experience, Reliability, and Excellent Results
The company will have Aalto EE's experts at its disposal throughout the training program. These experts will take charge of all practical arrangements for the program, ensuring that collaboration runs smoothly between all parties.
Aalto EE already has over 20 years of experience of training programs aimed at finding employment for program participants. Being part of Aalto University guarantees the quality and reliability of our work. Thousands of jobseekers have already been employed through us. Our course participants and corporate customers are highly satisfied: the collaborative try-outs result in the signing of an employment contract in over 70% of cases.
Over 5,000 satisfied companies have found an expert through us
Over 70% of participants sign an employment contract
Over 20 years of experience of successful F.E.C programs
Active F.E.C and RekryKoulutus programs
RekryKoulutus for Your Organization's Recruitment Needs
RekryKoulutus (Recruitment Training) is a good option when you need support in recruiting skilled workers.
With RekryKoulutus, you can find and train new employees to meet your organization’s needs. RekryKoulutus aims at finding the right talent with the latest skills and know-how in the field.
RekryKoulutus can be co-arranged with several organizations or tailored to your organization’s needs. The training is jointly funded by the employing organization and the employment and the economy administration. The employer’s share is 30% of the agreed total contract price.
How is RekryKoulutus arranged?
For the organization, the process is simple. We will provide all the support you need and, when needed, also prepare all documents so that they are ready to be signed. We will also take care of the application process, information sessions, and pre-interviews together with the TE Office and only present the most suitable candidates to you. The final choice on who to recruit will be yours.
The program typically lasts approximately 6 months, so you will have ample time to make sure the student and their skills and knowledge fit your organization.
TäsmäKoulutus Aims at Preventing Lay-offs
TäsmäKoulutus is a training program tailored for your organization’s current employees in the case of operational or technological changes. It helps you elevate your employees’ skills to the level of the new requirements.
Did you know that your company can use TäsmäKoulutus and MuutosKoulutus, subsidized by the ELY Centre, also in temporary lay-off situations?
You can also offer TäsmäKoulutus to your employees during or in lieu of a temporary lay-off.
TäsmäKoulutus is offered primarily to small and medium-sized companies, but it’s also suitable to the public sector – the state, municipalities, joint municipal authorities, and parishes.
- TäsmäKoulutus is a joint procurement training program financed partially by the ELY Centre.
- Training is arranged jointly with the employment and the economic administration.
- The employment and the economy administration pay a significant share of the program’s expenses. The company’s share is 30–50%.
Contact Us
Don't hesitate to ask for further information on the F.E.C concepts and our services in general.

Sari Saastamoinen
Director, Relationship Management, Recruitment, and Change Training Programs