From Digitalization to Technology and Information Intensive

Everything related to digital transformation is somehow linked to technical know-how. It is a fact that traditional leadership skills are no longer enough in business management, nor in meeting future challenges. Everyone of us needs to understand and know more about different tools and the technology related to them. We cannot lead what we do not know.

Our training programs equip both senior decision-makers and specialists with the skills and competencies needed to build a more proactive digital strategy to utilize, develop, and commercialize digital technologies and data, and discover new ways to create value.

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Are you interested in learning more about our Digitalization programs? We will help you to find the best solution for you and your organization. Contact us directly or leave a contact request.

Sami Koskela, Solutions Director

+358 40 702 9321

Tia Lankila, Program Director

+358 10 837 3750

Taimo Paavola, Senior Relationship Manager

+358 10 837 3801

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At what level should every leader and expert understand the applications, data analytics and the possibilities of quantum computing, or the increasing robotization of AI in different organizational functions? Here at Aalto EE, we have outlined these different levels of learning as follows:

  • Be aware
  • Understand
  • Apply
  • Plan ahead

With the above breakdown, we have tried to signal that there is a point of development for each task and level. The need for skills in Python or R programming is not defined by how long you have been in a position, but by the leadership challenges you will begin to face as the use of code increases.

However, our perspective is always very business-oriented, looking forward from the perspectives of management and the opportunities for strategic level management. The network created by experts from Aalto University and other top universities enables the customer to connect with the results of cutting edge research in artificial intelligence, for example.

We have defined the different areas of expertise in technology and knowledge intensiveness as follows:

  • Digital Strategies, Platforms and Leading Digital Transformation
  • Data
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Technologies

We have identified top experts in our network for each of the above-mentioned areas. In addition to the latest research information, we utilize the most up-to-date applied knowledge provided by the business network. We organize our programs in cooperation with the best experts in their field.

In the era of platform economy, data serves as the currency of the future on business-to-business platforms. The technology choices of the platform economy are therefore increasingly strategic and affect the ecosystems that are formed.

Aalto EE has access to Aalto University’s expertise in key AI technologies such as machine learning, computing logic, and data science.  Aalto University is a key player at the Finnish Centre for Artificial Intelligence (FCAI) and in the AI projects launched by the Finnish government. We select the most suitable trainers for each program from this high-level group of experts. Aalto EE's programs include case and keynote speeches on Finland's leading companies and early adopters of the latest technologies.