Download Finance Brochure
Are you interested in learning more about our finance portfolio? In the Finance brochure, you will find a summary of the theme and related programs.
Finance Portfolio Brochure
pdfIn the Finance brochure, you will find a summary of the theme and related programs.

We provide a wide range of programs and tailored solutions for economic, banking, and finance operators. Learn about strategic financial management, risk management, and the intricacies of banking and finance, and find the program that best suits your needs. We have compiled a table comparing the different programs we offer in economics and finance to help you choose the right program for your circumstances.
Which one of our programs would suit you best? See the comparison table of our Finance programs and choose the program that best suits your development.
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Anytime all year round.
- Finnish, Swedish
- Online
The APV CPD is intended for all investment experts to ensure continuous competence maintenance. By taking the exam annually, you ensure that your skills and knowledge are up to date.
Anytime all year round.
Selected date(s)
- Finnish, Swedish
- Live online
The General Securities Qualification (APV1) qualification provides a comprehensive overview of the investment services sector. The Investment Adviser Qualification (APV2) deepens the knowledge of financial markets and financial instruments, as well as the taxation of investment operations. APV2 is intended as a continuation of the General Securities qualification. The APV ESG exam is for developing competence in sustainable finance (Environmental, Social, and Governance). APV CPD is an annual assessment of the competence of investment firms, banks, and insurance companies for all persons working in customer service positions in investment services. The exams are not available in English.
Selected date(s)
By appointment, on selected date.
- Finnish
- Onsite
The APV ESG exam helps maintain up-to-date expertise in the investment services sector. The exam is available in Finnish. Please note that the exam web page is also in Finnish.
By appointment, on selected date.
- Finnish
Vakuutustutkinto, VTS (The Diploma in Insurance) is a basic diploma for experts in the insurance business. It provides you with a general overview of principles, insurance topics, and insurance business in general. By completing the certificate, you will demonstrate your thorough understanding and skills in this area. This is an exam-based certification in which you will complete eight different exams. You have two years to complete the required exams at your own pace.
March 26–28, 2025
- Finnish
- Onsite
- Early Bird Fee
The program program provides corporate executives and investment and finance industry professionals with a comprehensive overview of what a person making investment decisions should know about sustainability.
March 26–28, 2025
May 5 – June 6, 2025
- Finnish
- Early Bird Fee
The training program for the members of the Board of Directors develops the participant's ability to act in the Board of Directors of a financial company from the perspective of risk management. During the training, you will become familiar with the special features of financial sector good governance requirements and the supervision of the industry.
May 5 – June 6, 2025
May 12–14, 2025
- English
- Onsite
- Early Bird Fee
The program improves your success in venture capital investments by increasing your skills in key venture capital investment themes. It increases the hunger for growth and know-how of investor teams and strengthens the foundations for the overall understanding of venture capital investment.
May 12–14, 2025
May 16, 2025
- English
- Onsite
CEFA 4 exam covers topics in CEFA 4 module: European Regulation, Ethics and National Specific Components
May 16, 2025
May 19 – August 28, 2025
- English
- Onsite
- Early Bird Fee
The program is designed for finance executives who want to advance their skills in leading financial functions, increase their weight as a strategic business partner, and gain the confidence to influence.
May 19 – August 28, 2025
September 23 – November 27, 2025
- Finnish
- Onsite
- Early Bird Fee
The training program emphasizes a practical change in the role of the business controller as a developer of the financial management function, change agent, producer of financial information for the organization, management team, and/or the Board of Directors and operational actor as part of the financial management team and the rest of the organization.
September 23 – November 27, 2025
March 12 – April 29, 2025
- Finnish
The program covers the broader framework of risk management, the building of successful compliance, ethical issues, diverse risks, and the legislative framework affecting the financial sector. It helps identify key challenges and provides concrete tools for developing and enhancing compliance activities.
March 12 – April 29, 2025
September 29 – November 14, 2025
- English
- Onsite
- Early Bird Fee
The program gives you a structured understanding of the M&A process and equips you with the tools and skills needed to succeed in each phase. It focuses on M&A as a means to implement company strategy and deepens understanding of different phases of the process, from the M&A strategy and deal phase to post-merger integration and leading change.
September 29 – November 14, 2025
October 6, 2025 – May 29, 2026
- English
- Onsite
- Early Bird Fee
The Certified European Financial Analyst (CEFA) program provides uniform high-level standardized training for investment and finance professionals leading to the highly respected CEFA qualification, which is accredited in 27 European countries.
October 6, 2025 – May 29, 2026
November 3–17, 2025
- English
- Onsite
- Early Bird Fee
An intensive three-day program delves into the core principles and applications of finance and accounting. It is designed to equip you with a robust understanding of scrutinizing financial statements, interpreting key financial metrics, and making astute business and investment choices based on this understanding. This program covers contexts from both production and service organizations, and it is specifically designed for professionals in the production and service industries, particularly within industrial companies, who have or are expected to assume financial responsibilities. It's ideal for those seeking to develop and strengthen their ability to make sound business and investment decisions.
November 3–17, 2025
November 17 – December 8, 2025
- English
- Onsite
- Early Bird Fee
The program helps executives, business strategists, and risk managers to understand the new geoeconomic power politics, including the transforming relationship between state and market and between economics and security policy, and offer cutting-edge analytical tools, knowledge, and practical experience that will help companies with business development and risk management in the new geoeconomic world.
November 17 – December 8, 2025
November 24–26, 2025
- Finnish
- Onsite
- Early Bird Fee
The program provides a comprehensive and strategic perspective of modern analytics and its uses. The program combines strategy and theory with examples of practical analysis.
November 24–26, 2025
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- English, Finnish
The executive program considers pricing from a strategic management perspective. The program introduces alternative strategies that provide insights for improving pricing decisions that directly impact a company’s financial performance.
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February 14 – December 12, 2024
- Finnish
- Onsite, Live online, Online
February 14 – December 12, 2024
- Finnish
Rahoitusasiantuntijan osaamiskoe is a test that verifies the competence of experts in the financial sector and other professionals who work with financial themes outside the industry. By passing the skills test, you demonstrate your competence as a lending and regulatory expert.
- Finnish
Rahoitusasiantuntijan osaamiskoe is a test that verifies the competence of experts in the financial sector and other professionals who work with financial themes outside the industry. By passing the skills test, you demonstrate your competence as a lending and regulatory expert.
Online Courses
Current Topics on Information Security and Data Protection
Study time apprx. 25 min.
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Current Topics on Information Security and Data Protection

Current Topics on Information Security and Data Protection
Schedule Study time apprx. 25 min.
Location E-learning environment. License for three (3) months starting from the order date.
This online course on information security data protection will present the events that took place in the Nordic countries at the end of 2023 and offer practical tips on how to operate in the online world. The course covers topics such as what to do in the event of a cyber-attack, how a large-scale phishing attack unfolds, and who in the company is ultimately responsible for cybersecurity issues.
Fee: € 100 (+ VAT)
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Fundamentals of Accounting
Estimated Study Time: 12 hours
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Fundamentals of Accounting

Fundamentals of Accounting
Schedule Estimated Study Time: 12 hours
Location E-learning environment
A cost-effective and flexible online course on basic financial and management accounting. Course language: English
Fee: € 200 (+ VAT)
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Introduction to Information Security Management
Estimated study time 81 hours
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Introduction to Information Security Management

Introduction to Information Security Management
Schedule Estimated study time 81 hours
Location E-learning environment
This course provides a multi-disciplinary and holistic overview of information security management. It is designed based on scientific and practical evidence, and the topic areas is approached from technical, social, organizational, and ethical perspectives.
Fee: TBA
Korruption ja lahjonnan torjunta sekä oikeudenmukainen kilpailu
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Korruption ja lahjonnan torjunta sekä oikeudenmukainen kilpailu

Korruption ja lahjonnan torjunta sekä oikeudenmukainen kilpailu
Location E-learning environment
This online course will help you understand what corruption, bribery and fair competition are and their harmful effects on society. You will gain a broad understanding of the different forms of corruption and be introduced to illustrative examples. Course language: Finnish
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Risk Management for Champions
Estimated Study Time: 1 hour
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Risk Management for Champions

Risk Management for Champions
Schedule Estimated Study Time: 1 hour
Location E-learning environment
Thisonline course introduces you to risk management from a management perspective. During the course, you will learn the risk management process, concepts, and best practices in a compact package. Course language: English
Fee: € 150 (+ VAT)
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Talous haltuun virtuaalisesti
Estimated Study Time: 12 hours
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Talous haltuun virtuaalisesti

Talous haltuun virtuaalisesti
Schedule Estimated Study Time: 12 hours
Location E-learning environment
A cost-effective and flexible online course on basic financial and management accounting. Course language: Finnish
Fee: € 200 (+ VAT)
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Estimated Study Time: 30 minutes
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Schedule Estimated Study Time: 30 minutes
Location E-learning environment: License for three (3) months starting from the order date.
This online course is a practical presentation on whistleblowing and the basics of the Whistleblower Protection Act. The course helps you understand which violations are involved in reporting abuses, which are internal, and which are centralized reporting channels. The course explains the prerequisites for whistleblower protection and the sanctions that may result from violating the regulations.
Fee: € 100 (+ VAT) / € 900 (+ VAT)
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Featured Insights
Staying up to date on the latest developments in economics and finance is becoming increasingly important in today’s fast-changing world. Both the global market economy and the functioning of society rely fundamentally on a sustainable economy, effective risk management, and stable banking and financial operations.
These foundations are underpinned by an understanding of, and compliance with, ever-increasing regulation. With the world of insurance changing faster and faster all the time, persistence is king and the best experts are rewarded.
The educational opportunities provided by Aalto EE and Finva Finanssikoulutus cover all the latest developments and cater to both strategic planning and legal compliance. Our courses in economics and finance are the most comprehensive in the country, and we have more than 50 years of experience in running these programs. We want organizations to see us as an educational partner who helps them to achieve their business targets, sustainable growth, and efficient risk management. We also support individuals in their career development, whether they are looking to deepen or broaden their know-how or satisfy qualification requirements.
Aalto EE and Finva Finanssikoulutus provide a wide range of open-access training courses as well as tailored solutions for economic, banking, and finance operators. We do courses for business and finance managers as well as for professionals in the fields of economics, banking, finance, risk management, law, and investment. We also support professionals in a wide range of fields whose goal is to broaden or deepen their expertise in economic and financial literacy.
Our courses help you to keep abreast of the latest developments and take your competence to the next level. We give you practical tools for strategic financial management and risk assurance as well as for dealing with the intricacies of banking and finance, such as financial administration, risk management, investing, banking and finance as well as insurance.
Success Comes from a Thorough Understanding of Basic Economic Principles
To make well-founded and impactful decisions on issues such as investments or pricing, executives need to be familiar with basic economic principles. Basic economic literacy and skilled application of key economic figures also play a decisive role in an organization’s strategic planning, as well as when weighing up alternatives for the future direction of, and defining success factors for, a business.
The ability of a company’s financial administration team to provide essential information in support of decision-making is another critical factor in the success of an organization. Instead of just supporting day-to-day financial routines, the modern financial administration team is first and foremost a strategic partner of the organization’s executive management. Similarly, it is important for management to know how to interpret and make the most out of financial information.
New Learning Opportunities from Technological Advancement
The technologies associated with economics, banking and finance are constantly changing. This has created a situation where banks are now among the largest software developers in the world. Digitalization has created new types of service and business models as well as new, unprecedentedly effective methods and tools for value creation. Moreover, digitalization has created a need for new kinds of economic and financial competence.
The development of information technology and its integration in automated processes have become key areas of expertise for economic and financial professionals. Both regulation and digitalization are transforming the processing of payments, for example, as more and more payments are made in the digital ecosystem instead of in cash. This shift also means learning new skills in the banking sector.
Artificial intelligence and machine learning have been among the most talked-about topics in the world of business for a while. Artificial intelligence is already being used to automate processes and to build new, sophisticated business solutions. However, there are still a lot of unanswered questions, which are now being tackled on various levels. How can artificial intelligence be put to use responsibly? How should artificial intelligence be regulated and controlled? And where do we draw the line so as to not thwart innovation by too much regulation? The EU is working on a new regulation that aims to protect the privacy and fundamental rights of individuals and businesses in the context of artificial intelligence. As drafting of the regulation progresses, it will also have an increasingly wide-ranging impact on businesses. As well as knowing how to apply technology, experts need to have the skills to evaluate the sustainability and transparency of such applications and the associated risks.
New Competence Requirements Relating to Risk Management, Know-Your-Customer Processes and Anti-Money Laundering
The economic environment and the turbulent situation around the world create threats that can be difficult to predict. The last few years have shown, on a practical level, what happens when risks materialize and highlighted the importance of security and preparedness. Global, interconnected chains of operations and networks are adding to the complexity of threat scenarios and forcing businesses to prepare for these threats in an increasingly systematic and strategic manner. It is important for risk management professionals as well as for legal and compliance experts and managers to examine and understand the changing operating environment of businesses, new emerging threats and risks, and the impact of legislation and legislative reforms on business operations.
Among new key areas of expertise are know-your-customer and anti-money laundering regulations and how to interpret and comply with the associated requirements. The ramping up of regulation is motivated by an international consensus on the need to prevent, for example, the financing of terrorism and drug trafficking. One of our goals is to promote and build this competence and know-how to effectively prevent money laundering. Our courses teach you how to identify and spot suspicious transactions, know your customers more systematically, and choose the right level of money laundering risk assessment for your business. We work together with top experts to run, for example, online courses and training events for professionals and managers who are legally required to observe anti-money laundering regulations in their work.
Responsible Investment and Sustainability Reporting Call for a Diverse Skills Aet
The operating environment is changing quickly, and new laws are being passed all the time to tighten competence requirements relating to sustainability. The modern sustainability framework covers three perspectives: environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG). The sustainability of business and the importance of transparent sustainability assessment feature more and more in financial and corporate reporting. The expectations and objectives of responsible businesses are wide and varied. There are also plans to introduce even more detailed and broader regulations for sustainability reporting. As well as a key component of external reports, sustainability is becoming an increasingly important element of business management. The choice of investments and partners hinges more and more often on sustainability performance.
The EU is preparing to adopt a Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), which will require businesses to publish reports on their environmental and social impact (ESG). The goal is to make corporate sustainability reporting more consistent, comparable, and reliable. The CSRD is also expanding the scope of reporting requirements considerably.
In the world of investment, professionals are increasingly being called, both by law and by their clients, to provide not only investment advice but also guidance relating to sustainability. Understanding the perspectives of sustainable finance and ESG as well as their role in investing and business is becoming more and more important, as professionals need to be able to factor these perspectives into the investment services and advice they provide to both institutional investors and retail clients.
One of the most notable recent additions to the regulatory framework is the so-called EU Taxonomy, which entered into force at the beginning of 2022 and is set to expand further in the coming years. The EU Taxonomy is a classification system aimed at promoting sustainable development by establishing a list of environmentally sustainable economic activities. Among other things, it obliges banks to assess the sustainability of their customers and investments. It also increases transparency and helps to reduce the risk of greenwashing. Although the classification system is designed to make it easier for financial operators to identify sustainable investments, it also creates a new gap in competence.
Our Educational Services
We provide a wide range of educational options from flexible, independent learning to networking and group-based training. We run online courses, seminars and longer training programs as well as providing qualifications and textbooks. We have learning environments both online and on the inspiring premises of Aalto University in Töölö.
Training Programs and Qualifications
Our training programs and qualifications are a source of comprehensive professional knowledge and practical skills for all areas of the financial sector, risk management and finance. The programs are designed to provide fresh perspectives and new approaches to building the next generation of business.
Aalto EE and Finva Finance and Insurance Education run a wide range of high-quality, needs-based expert seminars to maintain and boost the competence and expertise of people on all organizational levels. All the latest developments in the world of finance and economics are covered.
Online Courses and Books
The contents of individual online courses on economics have been designed together with Aalto University’s experts to meet our customers’ current and future competence needs. Organization-specific online courses are tailored for flexible, independent learning. Our online courses and competency tests can be uploaded to the organization’s own learning environment or accessed via Finva Finanssikoulutus online portal.
Finva Finanssikoulutus also publishes both traditional books and e-books providing useful information for finance and risk management professionals. Our e-books are sold by Ellibs and Elisa Kirja.
Customized Training Courses
Are you looking for something specific tailored just for your organization? We can build customized training courses ranging from administrative strategic processes to extensive development programs for your organization’s rising stars.
Contact Us

Sari Saastamoinen
Director, Relationship Management, Recruitment, and Change Training Programs

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