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Objectives and Key Results for Performance Management

Discover the power of OKR framework in our course, designed to revolutionize performance management and strategic alignment. This course equips you with the skills to set, track, and achieve measurable objectives, ensuring operational excellence. Dive into the practical applications of OKRs, and learn to integrate continuous improvement and employee engagement through Conversations, Feedback, and Recognition (CFRs). Transform your approach to performance evaluation with a dynamic and engaging OKR system, aligning individual efforts with organizational goals for success in the modern business world.

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The course is ideal for early career professionals, as well as advanced professionals.

  • Early career professionals beginning to take on roles that involve setting and tracking performance goals. This group may include junior managers, team leaders, and coordinators who must understand how to align their team's efforts with organizational objectives.
  • Advanced professionals, including mid-to-senior level managers and executives, will benefit from this course by deepening their understanding of OKRs and advanced performance management techniques. These individuals are likely responsible for implementing performance management systems, aligning departmental goals with organizational strategy, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

Sisältö ja aikataulu

This course provides you with a future-oriented, clear, factual and optimistic introduction to climate change, health and the built environment. During the course, you will learn the basics of climate change and learn how it affects our health. You will also learn about the role of construction as a driver and solution to climate change. This course aims to equip you with the knowledge needed to contribute towards a better future.

The course consists of short 8–10-minute videos, texts and reflection tasks. The course is divided into modules that each focus on a specific topic. The language of the course is English, and all videos include English subtitles.

The estimated study time of the course is 27 hours and learners have access to the course materials for 8 weeks.

You can complete the course flexibly at your own pace. We recommend that you schedule your studies and reserve around 4 hours per week for the course.


Matti Kuittinen

Matti Kuittinen is a Professor of Sustainable Construction at Aalto University´s Department of Architecture and Senior Specialist at the Ministry of the Environment of Finland.

Kuittinen researches and develops policies for mitigation of climate change in the built environment and coordinates Nordic policy development efforts in the field of circular economy and low carbon construction. As an architect, he has designed experimental sustainable buildings and participated in humanitarian operations.

Photo: Aalto University / Anni Hanen

Laura Arpiainen

Laura Arpiainen is Professor of Health and Wellbeing Architecture at Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture and has an international track record in all areas of design and planning for healthcare.

Arpiainen holds dual Finnish / Canadian citizenship and is particularly interested in the relationship of built environments to health.  Other interests include mental health, diversity, as well as the role of optimism in success. Laura leads the SOTERA research group at Aalto University, and is also a popular mentor, keynote speaker and visiting critic.


Photo: Aalto University / Jaakko Kahilaniemi

Program Fee and Registration
